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Final ACAR Paper:
Trump Nationalism v Globalism

Full Argumentative Research Paper Trump Nationalism Model

Grace Moua

English 2105

Professor Dr. Gill

May 07, 2024

“The Best Writing is Rewriting”: 3 Draft(s), Teacher Conferences, Peer Mentors, 6 Scholarly Sources were used to inform divided stasis and three supports for this rhetor’s main claim

Key Quote: “current campaigns create political communication strategies to reach specific chunks of the population” (Larrosa-Fuentes)


(Expert’s Provocative Title) Representations of Latinos in a Democratic Party Campaign in the United States: Identity Ownership, Narratives, and Values


ACAR Introduction Paragraph

          (Hook) America serves as a representation of diversity and multiculturalism however Juan Larrosa-Fuentes, a researcher and professor of sociocultural studies, points out how many Americans and their political leaders want a monolithic society when stating, “Trump wanted to erase foreign cultures, and one way of doing that was by enforcing a monolingual society” (Larrosa-Fuentes 2022). (Bridge) Larrossa-Fuentes’ message to Americans is to recognize how damaging the actions of political figures are for minority groups and all people of color when proposing nationalist ideals. (Divided Stasis/Thesis Sentence) (Opponents Claim) Although opponents of multiculturalism and globalism claim that immigrants and minorities contribute nothing to society besides threatening job security, (Rhetor’s Main Claim) minority groups actually bring greater benefits to America’s economy as they (Reason/Support 1) have entrepreneurial spirits that contribute to the economic growth of the United States (Larrossa-Fuentes 2022), (Reason/Support 2) they work hard and assist in contributing hundreds of billions of dollars to the economy (Larrossa-Fuentes 2022), and (Reason/Support 3) they build a strong diverse representation of America’s core values (Larrossa-Fuentes 2022).


Concession/Refutation Paragraph: Main Claim + Support 1 Paragraph

          (Concession/Refutation) It is indeed true that many Americans feel as though minority groups and most especially immigrant minority groups threaten the pinnacle of America. (Scholarly Source 1) Shaoqing Zhou, a researcher at the Division of World Nationalities, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, emphasizes how “the emergence of evangelical nationalism is a preview of the American crisis of modernity” (Zhou 2023). Zhou declares that the increase of evangelical nationalism has a direct link to the “modernity” of the United States with the influx of diversity that is occurring. (Scholarly Source 2) Other proponents of nationalism such as Erzsebet-Mirjam Socaciu, a faculty member at Babes-Bolyai University argues that nationalism has a positive effect on policies when stating how “religious nationalism grants churches and other religious groups the ability to impact public policy” (Socaciu 2023). Socaciu points out how religious nationalism leads to a stronger want for domestic assets in government which has a greater positive affect than immigration and globalism.  (Scholarly Source 3) Additionally, faculty member at Stanford University Susan Olzak also points out how “there is a broad cultural and ideological movement associated with ethno nationalism that is in part driven by an ideology that views ethnic diversity as a threat” (Olzak 2023). Olzak points out how Americans who feel threatened by ethnic diversity lean towards ethno-nationalism which then influences the growth of right-wing violence. (Refutation:Rhetor’s Main Claim + Support 1) Regardless of how threatened American citizens feel in regards to diversity in the United States, immigrants aren’t the people limiting the freedoms in the United States. (Toulmin Warrant) The freedoms granted in the United States aren’t being restricted or negatively impacted by immigrants but rather by the American citizens themselves who aren’t abiding by the constitution. (Scholarly Source 1) Eric Jones, a faculty member at the University of South Florida argues that international migration doesn’t threaten the United States when stating how “the institution of citizenship might see growing challenges because of increasing domestic divisions” (Jones 1999). Jones’ statement points out how it isn’t the actions of immigrants that are affecting the United States but rather the division of American citizens revolving around the topic of immigration. American citizens are so divided about the topic of immigration that the nation suffers as a result. (Scholarly Source 2) Juan Larrosa-Fuentes, an associate professor of Sociocultural Studies at the Instituto Tecnológico y de estudios Superiores de Occidente, argues that immigrants have deep cognitive skills and cultural attributes that American citizens refuse to acknowledge when stating how “current campaigns create political communication strategies to reach specific chunks of the populations” (Larrosa-Fuentes 2022). Larossa-Fuentes points out how American citizens such as Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign called upon immigrants and minority groups to gain their votes. Regardless of personal opinion, Americans will still choose to rely on immigrants and diverse groups to win government positions and to change policies. (Scholarly Source 3) Lastly, journalist Michael T. Light points out the unnecessary amount of punishment the United States justice system gives to immigrants when mentioning how “state institutions and judicial actors will be more punitive against the criminality of non-state members” (Light 2017). The extreme punishment the judicial courts place upon immigrants is a result of a bias that shouldn’t exist in the courts–especially in a nation where a fair and just trial is written into the law.  (Conclusion) Utilizing the information provided above, it can be concluded that the controversy of globalism versus nationalism in the United States only does more harm than good to the nation as the divide amongst citizens doesn’t prove to have positive changes in policy.

Summation Paragraph

          (Summation: Argue that your stance on the issue is best for society) The controversy revolving around immigrants in America shouldn’t exist as it only proves as a demonstration of the failure of the United States’ government. American citizens feel threatened by ethnic diversity and take actions against immigrants and minority groups which only goes against the values of the United States. As a result of the information provided above, it can be concluded that immigration and globalism reflects the instability amongst American citizens. The United States is known for its values of freedom and equality for all yet American citizens refuse to give those same inalienable rights to others.

Midterm ACAR Paper: Gun Control

Full Argumentative Research Paper Gun Control Model

Grace Moua

Professor Dr. Gill

English 2105

“The Best Writing is Rewriting”: 2 Draft(s), Teacher Conferences, Peer Mentors, 12 scholarly sources were used to inform divided stasis and three supports for this rhetor’s main claim

Key Quote: “Fear motivates them to become involved in a political fight” (Anderson 2023)


(Expert’s Provocative Title) The Extraordinary Ethics of Self-Defense: Embodied Vulnerability and Gun Rights among Transgender Shooters in the United States


ACAR Introduction Paragraph


          (Hook) Americans often believe that supporters of gun rights are solely heterosexual white men yet Joe Anderson, a research fellow at the University of Edinburgh, argues that “owning firearms is one way that Americans from diverse backgrounds can claim an embodied sovereignty over their own safety” (Anderson).  (Bridge) Anderson’s message to Americans is about the importance of gun rights for minority groups such as members of the LGBTQ community. (Divided Stasis/Thesis Sentence) (Opponents Claim) Although opponents of gun rights claim that firearms are the leading cause for violence against minority groups, (Rhetor’s Main Claim) firearms actually provide safety and security for victims of harassment because (Reason/Support 1) minority groups use firearms for self-defense (Anderson),  (Reason/Support 2) shooting groups for minorities builds supportive communities (Anderson), and (Reason/Support 3) minority gun owners challenge the conservative gun right organizations which consist of heterosexual white men (Anderson).


Narration Paragraph


          (Narration) In June of 2016, the debate of maintaining gun rights for Americans gained more attention following a mass shooting at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida which resulted in the creation of the Pink Pistols shooting club. The new shooting club would then move on to be advocates for gun rights as they argue how “all people have the right to defend themselves from harm and everyone has an individual right to bear arms as protected by the 2nd Amendment” (Pink Pistols 2015). Without the protection of firearms, minority groups are vulnerable to violence and harassment perpetrated by fellow Americans. Proponents of maintaining gun rights are most often white men however minority groups are also advocating for gun rights since firearms provide forms of protection and self defense. Critics of gun rights associations and shooting clubs believe that allowing firearms is only going to result in more violence amongst America. What these critics fail to realize is that restricting guns will restrict minority groups from protection as there is a high likelihood that new gun laws will be structured to protect white Americans. 


Confirmation Paragraph


          (Confirmation) Keeping gun rights has allowed minority groups to maintain protection from violence which may appear through harassment or assault since gun control laws often negatively impact minorities. As Mathew Hayes, David Fortunato, and Mathew V. Hibbing state in “Race-gender bias in white Americans’ preferences for gun availability”, it was discovered that “race and gender primes still figure prominently into gun control attitudes” (Hayes, Fortunato, Hibbing 2021). Implementing more gun control laws would only further restrict minority groups from having the same protection as their white counterparts. Overall, throughout his article’s examples, Joe Anderson highlights how important it is for impacted minority groups to maintain their gun rights due to the importance of self protection.


Concession/Refutation Paragraph: Main Claim + Support 1 Paragraph


          (Concession/Refutation) It is indeed true that many Americans oppose granting or maintaining gun rights as they argue that guns bring more harm than good. (Scholarly Source 1) Todd Pettys, a faculty member of the of University of Iowa College of Law and enthusiast of the Constitution, points out how “the job of ascertaining the scope of the strongly protected fundamental right to keep and bear arms will fall to judges–the very judges some people whose purported “anti-gun activism” the N.R.A. says necessitates these amendments in the first place” (Pettys 2019). Pettys claims that gun support groups such as the National Rifle Association are unknowingly supporting gun control laws by encouraging judges who support gun control to determine the scope of the second amendment. (Scholarly Source 2) Other proponents of gun control such as professor Laura Moriarty and shooting instructor John Hearne argue that “gun owners, hunters, and members of a pro-gun group possess a better understanding of gun control issues” (Moriarty, Hearne 1998). Moriarty and Hearne point out how supporters of gun rights actually understand the reasons and implications behind the push for more gun laws. (Scholarly Source 3) Additionally, opponents of gun rights argue that guns bring more harm than good since “unarmed black men were four times more likely to be killed by police than unarmed white men” (Fox 2019, Smith 2023). Fox and Smith both point out the violence caused by firearms in the United States even when the firearms are in the hands of those who are supposed to protect. (Refutation: Rhetor’s Main Claim + Support 1) However, it is the minority groups who are at the greatest disadvantage in regards to gun control laws as factors such as race are highly tied into the history and lawmaking of gun control policies. (Toulmin Warrant) Ignoring the importance of equal representation for all Americans especially in regards to rights would destroy the trust in government. (Scholarly Source 1) Research fellow Joe Anderson argues for maintaining gun rights for minority groups, seeing as “whiteness affords full citizenship “ (Anderson 2023). Anderson’s statement is meant to provoke Americans especially since he touches on White privilege that minorities will never be granted even in the nation that prides itself on equality for all. (Scholarly Source 2) Mathew Hayes, David Fortunato, and Mathew Hibbing all point out the racism in gun availability preferences when stating how “the availability of firearms in the United States have been racialised at least since the prohibition of gun ownership for both free and enslaved Black Americans “ (Hayes, Fortunato, Hibbing 2021). Hayes, Fortunato, and Hibbing also address the inequality of gun rights for people of color–most especially Black Americans. (Scholarly Source 3) Rosanna Smart continues to acknowledge the racial disparity in firearm policies as she emphasizes how they “ have historical underpinnings rooted in efforts to deny Black people equal access to firearms “ (Smart 2023). The United States has shown to continuously restrict the rights of Black Americans. (Conclusion) From the research analyzed above, gun rights and gun control measures represent the highly intricate involvement of inequality and racism in the United States.


Refutation: Support 2 Paragraph


          (Refutation: Support 2) Implementing gun control measures is futile as Americans will continue to find ways to access firearms. (Toulmin Warrant) Making what is a constitutional right unconstitutional would deny Americans their natural inalienable rights. (Scholarly Source 1) Professors George Stone and Michael Jones both point out how pointless gun control laws are as they state how “the more advocates push for increased regulation to limit gun sales, the more guns that are sold” (Jones, Stone 2015). Jones and Stone’s message is that Americans will only want what they cannot have thus preventing the sale of guns will only lead to more problems such as an increase in illegal sales and trade of firearms. (Scholarly Source 2) Gun control laws are often placed with the intent of preventing misuse however they only further entice unqualified individuals into wanting to purchase and use firearms. Nathan Kruis et al. points out how “ill-trained gun owners may be at a greater risk of using their firearms in an unsafe manner or storing them in ways that permit “unauthorized” persons to access and use their weapons” (Kruis et al. 2020). Kruis’ argument demonstrates how easy it is for unqualified or “unauthorized” people to access firearms regardless of the amount of gun control measures. (Scholarly Source 3) Most often, the loudest voice against gun control is that of the National Rifle association. Timothy Zick addresses how the NRA and many other groups have polarized the discussion of gun control and gun rights when speaking of how “fringe groups, militias, and other uncompromising advocates have dominated the civil liberties framing of the Second Amendment” (Zick 2020). Zick’s argument is that Americans will not back down when their rights and liberties are being threatened thus, Americans will refuse to allow their guns to be controlled and taken away. (Conclusion) From the above information, attempting to implement gun control measures will be futile as Americans will only continue to find access to firearms because owning guns is an American’s inalienable right. 


Refutation: Support 3 Paragraph


          (Refutation: Support 3) Minority groups will continue to be targets and victims of hate and violence even with the enforcement of stricter gun control measures. (Toulmin Warrant) Stricter gun control measures won’t be effective since they won’t prevent acts of hate or violence against minorities. (Scholarly Source 1) Hossein Zare addresses the inequality of treatment minority groups face from law enforcement especially when stating how “multiple studies have consistently shown that racial/ethnic minorities…are more likely to be subjected to more intense law enforcement practices than White people” (Zare 2024). Zare is pointing out how bias is negatively affecting such a large population of the United States as law enforcement, the people who are meant to provide safety and protection, are instead implementing violence onto innocent racial and ethnic minority groups. (Scholarly Source 2) Nimarta Narang also addresses the failure of those meant to protect when she speaks of how “current U.S. law prohibits the Department of Justice from prosecuting hate crimes where bias is not the sole reason for a perpetrator’s actions” (Narang 2023). Following the massive amounts of acts of hate against the AAPI community, Narang puts an emphasis on the lack of action taken by federal lawmakers. Federal lawmakers are considering the importance of gun control yet they fail to address the greater underlying issues of hate acts and racism towards racial and ethnic groups. (Scholarly Source 3) G. Agustin Markarian, a researcher of American politics and legislation points out how gun control laws are only implemented as a means to benefit White Americans when stating how “White Americans are framed as the primary beneficiaries of gun control, leading to increased support for restrictive gun laws among co-ethnics” (Markarian 2024). Markarian is explaining how gun control laws are only implemented when White Americans are threatened which then leads to restricting gun rights to minorities however that same tactic never occurs vice versa. The systemic racism revolving around the topic of gun control and gun rights will always negatively affect minority groups and positively affect White Americans. (Conclusion) From the information provided above, it can be concluded that gun control won’t be able to effectively address the larger problem of hate crimes and racism in the United States.


Summation Paragraph


          (Summation: Argue that your stance on the issue is best for society) The debate of gun control and gun rights is highly controversial and difficult to digest for the average American especially when taking into consideration the massive amounts of underlying problems of systemic racism and bias within the United States. Gun control laws are heavily intertwined with racist views and hate against minority groups hence the reason why gun rights should continue to exist as a form of equality for said minority groups. Based on the information provided, gun rights have shown to be both a form of protection and a representation of America’s belief of equality for all people of color. If America is to represent true equality, there should be equality in the constitutional rights for all Americans, not just White Americans.

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