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Minh Le's Article

Notes and response to Minh Le's article surrounding the premise of the importance of utilizing written communication.

Analytic Notes and Prewriting Steps

Analytic Notes

  • Engineering students believe that English is unimportant

  • Minh Le regrets not caring for written communication

  • Minh Le's colleague was promoted due to having better communication skills

  • There is a high demand for written communication even in the engineering field

  • skillful communication has a big role in the professional world


Pre-Writing Steps:

1. Who is Minh's Audience?

  • Minh's audience is all students who feel as though written communication and English aren't important to their futures. 


2. What is Minh's Purpose?

  • Minh's purpose is to give advice to current students who do not take written communication seriously by providing his own personal struggles.


3. What is Minh's Premise (Central Idea)?

  • Minh's premise is the importance of having communication skills


4. What is Minh's Most Powerful Quote?

  • "If you want to pursue career advancements, you must learn how to write and communicate better" (Minh).


5. What is Minh Expressing as a Mindset Toward the Issue Expressed in the Article?

  • "Don't be like me. Be smart. Prepare yourself when you are still in school" (Minh).

  • Minh encourages students to be prepared and to take written communication and English as a whole seriously as they are extremely important in all fields of work.

Minh Le Pop Quiz

Grace Moua

English 2105

Professor Dr Gill

Minh Le Article

19 March 2024

"The Best Writing is Rewriting"

(Provocative Title) The Value of Written Communication

Introduction Paragraph

          (Hook) Scholars forget the importance of written communication as they move into the work field yet Minh Le, an engineer in a semiconductor manufacturing company, argues that "skillful communication plays a very important role in the professional world" (Le). (Bridge) Le's message to all students is about the utmost importance of written communication after college regardless of the field of work. (Divided Stasis/Thesis Sentence) (Opponent's claim) Although opponents of well written communication claim that technical work fields don't require skillful communication skills, (Rhetor's main claim) scholars who remember and utilize communication skills taught in English classes will be able to gain professional promotions because (Reason/Support 1) written communication has high demand (Le), (Reason/Support 2) reports and technical papers are often required in the workplace (Le), and (Reason/Support 3) written communication is always important regardless of position in the workplace.

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