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Unit 4: Trump
Nationalism Vs Globalism

All Hands In
Flower Shadow

Analytic Notes and Pre-Writing Steps

"Representations of Latinos in a Democratic Party Campaign in the United States: Identity Ownership, Narratives, and Values"


Analytic Notes:

  • Trump's argument for cultural values and policies in his 2016 election

  • "turning back the clock" so there won't be any more globalization and multiculturalism

    • stating that undocumented immigrants threatened Americans​

  • Trump wanting immigration bans on Muslims and Mexicans

  • what makes someone an American citizen

  • racialization in electoral campaigns

  • Latino mobilization and turnout 

  • Latino threat narrative

  • cultural discourse that celebrated the "purity" of the U.S.

  • barriers inside the country "to protect American cultural heritage"

  • Clinton's praise of the cultural benefits and cognitive skills of foreign speakers

  • Trump stated that the American Dream is already dead

  • working hard as a vital part of Clinton's message

  • Clinton's failure to demonstrate deep understandings of diversity and multiculturalism

  • "current campaigns create political communication strategies to reach specific chunks of the populations"

  • campaigns only target minority groups because of things such as their religion and ethnic background


Pre-Writing Steps:

Audience: Latinos who are concerned about their representation and rights following Trump's presidential campaign

Purpose: to inform of the complex relationship between political campaigns and the use of minorities

Premise: Political campaigns only address minority groups when it benefits them

Key Quote: "current campaigns create political communication strategies to reach specific chunks of the populations" (Larrosa-Fuentes)





" Challenge to the Nation-State: Immigration in western Europe and the United States"​


Analytic Notes:

  • "the states right to grant asylum, as opposed to supporting the individual's right to receive asylum"

  • "increasing domestic divisions" in US' state and federal jurisdiction

  • Americans believe only citizens deserve welfare, healthcare, and public education

    • nationalistic sentiment​

    • belief that citizenship should be more than the right to vote

  • perceived devaluation of citizenship in the US

  • states grant more rights to maintain peace

    • restrictions on immigration​


Pre-Writing Steps:

Audience: citizens of Europe and the US

Purpose: to inform about the relationship between citizens and immigration

Premise: international migration doesn't threaten the nation-state

Key Quote: "the institution of citizenship might see growing challenges because of increasing domestic divisions between federal and state jurisdictions"





"Ethno-nationalism and Right-Wing Extremist Violence in the United States, 2000 through 2018"


Analytic Notes:

  • perceived loss of status

  • ethno-nationalism

  • roots of contemporary right-wing violence

    • siege on congress on January 6, 2021​

    • March for the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017

  • perception of increasing threat with ethnic diversity

  • right-wing movements motivate politicians to "play the race/ethnic card"

  • growth of right-winf extremists

  • views of elected representatives endorse and justify actions

  • association of ethno-nationalism and gun culture

  • "local-level" economic distress may play a role in wealthier states"


Pre-Writing Steps:

Audience: people wondering more about where the increased right-wing violence stems from 

Purpose: to determine if there is a correlation between right-wing violence and ethno-nationalism

Premise: ethnic diversity has a correlation with increased right-wing violence

Key Quote: "there is a broad cultural and ideological movement associated with ethno-nationalism that is in part driven by an ideology that views ethnic diversity as a threat"





"Punishing the "Others": Citizenship and State Social Control in the United States and Germany" 


Analytic Notes:

  • debate of "legal significance of citizenship"

  • national membership weakens national sovereignty

  • increase in "the power to punish"

    • more foreigners in state control​

    • increase of incarcerated foreigners in the US

    • bias in judges regarding immigrants

    • "all immigrant behavior...has repercussions on the phenomenon of immigration itself, and leads to greater disapproval, greater disqualification, and greater stigmatization"

  • direct link between citizenship and punishment

  • eventual deportation and negative attributes


Pre-Writing Steps:

Audience: individuals interested in how the law impacts immgirants

Purpose: to determine if there's a correlation between non-citizens and harsher punishments

Premise: there's a direct link between citizenship and punishment

Key Quote: "state institutions and judicial actors will be more punitive against the criminality of non-state members"





"American evangelical nationalism: history status quo, and outlook"


Analytic Notes:

  • evangelical nationalism as new form of American nationalism

  • 3 stages of nationalism

    • Christian nationalism​

    • ethnic nationalism

    • civic nationalism

  • "liberized" politics has "incited strong discontent among religious conservatives"

  • minorities receiving "retroactive recognition"

  • Trump's appeal to blue-collar workers, farmers, and cultural conservatives

  • Trump pursued evangelical nationalism

    • backed by religious conservatives and nationalized republicans​


Pre-Writing Steps:

Audience: Americans who are unsatisfied with government policies

Purpose: to determine the impact of evangelical nationalism on government/policies

Premise: evangelical nationalism influences domestic and foreign policy

Key Quote: "the emergence of evangelical nationalism is a preview of the American crisis of modernity"





"Religious Nationalism and Home Bias"


Analytic Notes:

  • "impact of religious nationalism of domestic portfolio investment"

  • cultural uniformity and preserving tradition

  • religious nationalism intertwined with globalism

  • religion and culture form a national identity

  • trump highlighting Christian sentiment

    • stating the US was losing Christianity​

  • fusion of nationalism and religion worldwide

  • effect of religion and home bias

  • strong want for domestic asset in religious nationalism

  • territorial identity

  • religious nationalist attitudes on minority religions

  • financial decisions influence by religion and nationalism

  • churches and religious groups allowed to impact public policy with religious nationalism


Pre-Writing Steps:

Audience: people worried/concerned about how nationalism affects the market

Purpose: to determine if financial decisions had a correlation with religious nationalism

Premise: there is a strong correlation between religious nationalism, home bias, and cultural homogeneity

Key Quote: "nationalism extends beyond being just an ideology"

Final ACAR Paper

Full Argumentative Research Paper Trump Nationalism Model

Grace Moua

English 2105

Professor Dr. Gill

May 07, 2024

“The Best Writing is Rewriting”: 3 Draft(s), Teacher Conferences, Peer Mentors, 6 Scholarly Sources were used to inform divided stasis and three supports for this rhetor’s main claim

Key Quote: “current campaigns create political communication strategies to reach specific chunks of the population” (Larrosa-Fuentes)


(Expert’s Provocative Title) Representations of Latinos in a Democratic Party Campaign in the United States: Identity Ownership, Narratives, and Values


ACAR Introduction Paragraph

          (Hook) America serves as a representation of diversity and multiculturalism however Juan Larrosa-Fuentes, a researcher and professor of sociocultural studies, points out how many Americans and their political leaders want a monolithic society when stating, “Trump wanted to erase foreign cultures, and one way of doing that was by enforcing a monolingual society” (Larrosa-Fuentes 2022). (Bridge) Larrossa-Fuentes’ message to Americans is to recognize how damaging the actions of political figures are for minority groups and all people of color when proposing nationalist ideals. (Divided Stasis/Thesis Sentence) (Opponents Claim) Although opponents of multiculturalism and globalism claim that immigrants and minorities contribute nothing to society besides threatening job security, (Rhetor’s Main Claim) minority groups actually bring greater benefits to America’s economy as they (Reason/Support 1) have entrepreneurial spirits that contribute to the economic growth of the United States (Larrossa-Fuentes 2022), (Reason/Support 2) they work hard and assist in contributing hundreds of billions of dollars to the economy (Larrossa-Fuentes 2022), and (Reason/Support 3) they build a strong diverse representation of America’s core values (Larrossa-Fuentes 2022).


Concession/Refutation Paragraph: Main Claim + Support 1 Paragraph

          (Concession/Refutation) It is indeed true that many Americans feel as though minority groups and most especially immigrant minority groups threaten the pinnacle of America. (Scholarly Source 1) Shaoqing Zhou, a researcher at the Division of World Nationalities, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, emphasizes how “the emergence of evangelical nationalism is a preview of the American crisis of modernity” (Zhou 2023). Zhou declares that the increase of evangelical nationalism has a direct link to the “modernity” of the United States with the influx of diversity that is occurring. (Scholarly Source 2) Other proponents of nationalism such as Erzsebet-Mirjam Socaciu, a faculty member at Babes-Bolyai University argues that nationalism has a positive effect on policies when stating how “religious nationalism grants churches and other religious groups the ability to impact public policy” (Socaciu 2023). Socaciu points out how religious nationalism leads to a stronger want for domestic assets in government which has a greater positive affect than immigration and globalism.  (Scholarly Source 3) Additionally, faculty member at Stanford University Susan Olzak also points out how “there is a broad cultural and ideological movement associated with ethno nationalism that is in part driven by an ideology that views ethnic diversity as a threat” (Olzak 2023). Olzak points out how Americans who feel threatened by ethnic diversity lean towards ethno-nationalism which then influences the growth of right-wing violence. (Refutation:Rhetor’s Main Claim + Support 1) Regardless of how threatened American citizens feel in regards to diversity in the United States, immigrants aren’t the people limiting the freedoms in the United States. (Toulmin Warrant) The freedoms granted in the United States aren’t being restricted or negatively impacted by immigrants but rather by the American citizens themselves who aren’t abiding by the constitution. (Scholarly Source 1) Eric Jones, a faculty member at the University of South Florida argues that international migration doesn’t threaten the United States when stating how “the institution of citizenship might see growing challenges because of increasing domestic divisions” (Jones 1999). Jones’ statement points out how it isn’t the actions of immigrants that are affecting the United States but rather the division of American citizens revolving around the topic of immigration. American citizens are so divided about the topic of immigration that the nation suffers as a result. (Scholarly Source 2) Juan Larrosa-Fuentes, an associate professor of Sociocultural Studies at the Instituto Tecnológico y de estudios Superiores de Occidente, argues that immigrants have deep cognitive skills and cultural attributes that American citizens refuse to acknowledge when stating how “current campaigns create political communication strategies to reach specific chunks of the populations” (Larrosa-Fuentes 2022). Larossa-Fuentes points out how American citizens such as Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign called upon immigrants and minority groups to gain their votes. Regardless of personal opinion, Americans will still choose to rely on immigrants and diverse groups to win government positions and to change policies. (Scholarly Source 3) Lastly, journalist Michael T. Light points out the unnecessary amount of punishment the United States justice system gives to immigrants when mentioning how “state institutions and judicial actors will be more punitive against the criminality of non-state members” (Light 2017). The extreme punishment the judicial courts place upon immigrants is a result of a bias that shouldn’t exist in the courts–especially in a nation where a fair and just trial is written into the law.  (Conclusion) Utilizing the information provided above, it can be concluded that the controversy of globalism versus nationalism in the United States only does more harm than good to the nation as the divide amongst citizens doesn’t prove to have positive changes in policy.

Summation Paragraph

          (Summation: Argue that your stance on the issue is best for society) The controversy revolving around immigrants in America shouldn’t exist as it only proves as a demonstration of the failure of the United States’ government. American citizens feel threatened by ethnic diversity and take actions against immigrants and minority groups which only goes against the values of the United States. As a result of the information provided above, it can be concluded that immigration and globalism reflects the instability amongst American citizens. The United States is known for its values of freedom and equality for all yet American citizens refuse to give those same inalienable rights to others.

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