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Class Notes for English 2105

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Writing and Revising Paragraphs

  • 3 Qualities of an Effective Paragraph

  • How to create a convincing paragraph/creating a convincing paragraph

  • Unified and has a topic sentence

  • Coherent and rhetoric

  • Developed with details, facts, evidence and reasoning

  • Must use labeled paragraphs

  • Applying theory behind paragraphs

  • Mastering concepts and written reasoning

  • How many qualities are there?

  • 1st Label = Unity/Topic Sentence

    • Unity must be expressed in the topic sentence​

  • 2nd Label = Adequate Development/Body

  • 3rd Label = Coherence/ Throughout​

    • applies from the provocative title through the topic sentence through body and then into conclusion​

  • MLA format

    • name, class, professor, work title, credit line​

  • Include referenced in topic sentence/unity

  • Writing reflects the provocative title

  • 1 central idea expressed in the topic sentence

  • Provocative title also includes coherence

  • Repetition of  'quality' in Robert's example demonstrates coherence

  • Reuse of unity, development and coherence demonstrate coherence

  • Repetition of key words

  • Submit hand written work over nothing

  • Submit in MLA format

  • Canvas grade submittals are open

  • No personal Pronouns

  • Reconstruct sentences without personal pronouns

  • Learn as much of the greeting as possible

  • 2-3 sentences before you attempt to write in a labelled paragraph

  • structure and coherence

  • brief, clear sentence, exciting, pedantic

Editing Logs

  • Use Priscilla's e-portfolio for example of her editing log

  • Use Priscilla's format for editing log

  • Write error violated

  • Write sentence and how you re-write it

  • Minh Le regretted not taking English courses seriously

  • Most students would avoid English courses

  • Go to LRC, meet with a writing tutor, get writing tutor peer review, use peer review to make an editing log

  • Purpose, audience, key quotes, analytic notes

  • Analytic notes and then rough draft

    • pen and paper, share by passing to team members​

  • You have to be a team player

  • Have class read Stephanie's email

  • Be happy to collaborate with peers

  • Peers can teach

  • Mentors are peer mentors

  • Responsibility to see an LRC tutor

  • Professional Writers

  • Students using terms like 'rhetoric' and 'professional' demonstrate they are a serious developing rhetor

  • Effusive Discussions

  • No plagiarism

  • Credit Line

Old Books

Accessing CPP Library Database

  • Get the fact first

  • Research paper 1 needs sources

    • aristotelian​

    • your position and opponent's position

  • Database training for getting the facts first

  • 3 pros and 3 cons of gun control

  • 4 Q's for each article plus analytic notes

  • How to access CPP Library Database

    • CPP website​

    • bottom of website

    • see additional resources for library

    • databases

    • use proquest database

    • enable peer review under search

      • no credit if you write on something that has not been peer reviewed​

    • enter topic and search

  • Place citation under credit line and then key quote under citation

  • 9th edition basic for MLA

    • will look like MLA 9th edition (basic)​

  • analytic notes first

    • include the 4 Qs​

      • audience, purpose, premise, powerful ​

  • ultimately there will be 12 sources but for now 6 sources

    • 3 pros and 3 cons​

    • will eventually be 9 sources supporting your argument and then 3 sources supporting opponent's argument

  • 1 pro, 1 con, rough drafts, labeled journals + 100 points each

    • Due on Thursday's meeting in Library (room 2907)​

  • Currently on calendar, no more excuses

  • Were off calendar due to strike and rain storm

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